defense of professional liability claims against attorneys, accountants,
healthcare providers, architects and engineers.
professional liability defense attorneys at the firm have extensive experience
in the defense of attorneys, healthcare providers, architects, engineers,
dentists, and accountants. With experience in all areas of professional
liability defense, firm attorneys are well qualified to handle sensitive issues
of confidentiality, the impact of the case on the professional's ongoing
practice, and the need to work closely with the client in litigation strategy
and, if appropriate, settlement.
The firm represents
professionals under insurers' errors and omissions policies and also directly
when the professional is self-insured. A result-oriented cost-effective
approach to the defense of malpractice claims is emphasized. At the outset of
the engagement, the assigned attorneys work closely with the client to develop both a strategy and a budget for the case. The attorney then works aggressively for a
successful disposition.