International Law and Litigation Law

Solving Problems Around The Globe

International Law and Litigation Practice Group

Solving Problems Around The Globe

As the global marketplace continues to drive business beyond domestic borders, disputes involving the laws of multiple jurisdictions are on the rise. Effective resolution of cross-border disputes requires strategic counsel from highly experienced legal professionals.  The Barber Law Firm team has decades of experience in representing international clients, including hoteliers, governmental and quasi-governmental entities, product manufacturers, insurance carriers, and other non-U.S.-based companies with business interests in the United States.

Our attorneys regularly represent multinational, foreign, and domestic corporations and individuals before U.S. federal and state courts, as well as in arbitration proceedings before a wide range of arbitral bodies in multiple jurisdictions. We are zealous advocates, helping clients successfully address conflicts in a broad range of sectors. In addition to representation in active litigation matters, our international clients also frequently seek our counsel on how to avoid litigation and/or reduce their exposure in litigation through properly prepared terms and conditions of contracts, other commercial documents, and development of protective internal policies and procedures.